The weather was perfect for the opening day at the 2012 Mother Earth News Fair in Seven Springs, Pennsylvania. I was on hand to take in the sights, sit in on a few lectures, and interview some of the speakers. There was a nice crowd on hand and I expect that tomorrow will see an even higher turnout in spite of the showers that are in the forecast.
I’ll have a lot more coverage later next week including some great tips that I picked up related to seed saving, heirloom vegetables, backyard beekeeping, foraging for edible wild plants, and more. For now here are some pictures taken during the first day of the Mother Earth News Fair.
Elvis wasn’t in the house but Little John is here with a display of his beautifully handcrafted brooms.
Overlooking the fairgrounds and the Mother Earth News Stage where many of the keynote lectures take place.
Caught up with a couple of old friends from my trip to Oregon, Matt and Jill Reed from Bee Thinking showing off their newest Top Bar Beehive designs.
And met a new friend in Dr. William Woys Weaver, author of “Heirloom Vegetable Gardening,” “100 Vegetables and Where They Came From,” and a number of other books.
Fruiting Shiitake mushroom log in front of the Quiet Creek Herb Farm stand.
I love these banners about heirloom vegetables that line one of the hallways of the conference center.
Another view from the first day of the Mother Earth News Fair at the Seven Springs Resort and Conference Center.
It’s not too late for you to join in the festivities. The fair continues through Sunday and there is much more is store including some great speakers and exhibits related to organic gardening, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, heirloom seeds, real food, and lots more!