Lutz Green Leaf Beet, also known as Long Seasons, is one of my favorite varieties of red beets. What’s so special about Lutz Green Leaf? Well to start with, it’s a sweet, deliciously flavored beet that performs very well in the home garden.
As its alternate name “Long Seasons” suggests, this beet variety can remain growing in the garden from early spring right through the fall months. Not because it takes that long for the root crop to mature, but rather it’s adaptable enough to be left in the ground for extended periods without becoming tough or otherwise degrading in quality.
Too busy to harvest, Lutz Green Leaf Beets will accommodate your schedule. Want a beet that you can plant during the spring and not fuss over until fall, then Long Seasons is the choice to grow. Another advantage is that this red beet is capable of reaching gigantic sizes by the time that you are ready for harvesting.
Not surprisingly with a name like Lutz Green Leaf, this plant produces a large quantity of tasty leaves that can be eaten raw as an addition to salads, or they can be cooked in your favorite recipes. Beet leaves make an excellent substitute for spinach, Swiss Chard, or other leafy green vegetables.
If you identify Russets with baked potatoes, Lutz Green Leaf is the beet to associate with baked beets. If you’ve never tasted a baked beet do yourself a favor and try one, they’re absolutely delicious. So for a large-sized, low maintenance beet variety Lutz Green Leaf is ideal for the backyard vegetable grower.