Grow Heirloom Tomatoes for an Interesting Change
Well I finally set my heirloom tomato seedlings out into the garden. It’s a bit later than usual, but with the weather being as cool
Well I finally set my heirloom tomato seedlings out into the garden. It’s a bit later than usual, but with the weather being as cool
Recently I outlined the limits that I set when mulching the veggie garden. But I do away with all reservations when it comes to my
A visitor browsing through photos of the garden was curious and inquired into the types of mulch and the various techniques that are employed to
Kale isn’t the only leafy green that is attracting attention in my garden this spring, Garlic Mustard is a wild edible weed that is also
It’s that time again, and if you live anywhere near the Central Pennsylvania area it maybe worthwhile to take a ride over to Lancaster, PA this weekend for the annual Herb & Garden Faire at the Landis Valley Museum. This has become my favorite spring gardening event because there is always a great turnout of terrific vendors offering all sorts of interesting plants, seeds, crafts, and gardening accessories for sale.
A recent article discussed a problem with lettuce and other vegetable plants bolting and going to seed prematurely, but flowering is just a part of the natural cycle of things out in the veggie patch. A look around the back yard revealed quite a few edible plants that are bolting and flowering, but for the most part it’s not a problem if it occurs at the proper time and shouldn’t be taken as a sigh of something gone wrong.
Everything appears to be off to a great start and we’ve been enjoying perfect weather for gardening; cool nights, mild days and now the fortune of a slow soaking rainfall to provide needed moisture to the garden. It has turned sharply colder and today I heard rumors of frost warnings going out for the Central Pennsylvania area tonight. That’s not surprising, but what is, is that I’ve recently heard more than one local gardener talk about plans for setting out their tomatoes and other frost tender seedlings… well I sure hope they’re covered!
You planted lettuce seed with visions of harvesting beautiful heads of sweet and tasty heirloom lettuce, but almost overnight the plants began to bolt for the sky and turn bitter… a familiar tale of a gardener’s grief:
I knew that I wasn’t the only organic gardener flaunting the vegetable gardening rules and trying ideas that stray from the norm. Jack recently sent
Gardening is a wonderful gift that I’ve developed the hard way… through trial and error! I hope to share the incredible lessons learned and make things a lot easier for you out in the organic vegetable garden.
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Grantsville, WV 26147