Happy Tomato Plants
If you’re growing tomato plants indoors under lights and want to keep them happy and healthy until they are ready to be transplanted into the garden, then now’s the time to start tickling those tomato seedlings.
If you’re growing tomato plants indoors under lights and want to keep them happy and healthy until they are ready to be transplanted into the garden, then now’s the time to start tickling those tomato seedlings.
Instead of forming loose leaves along its stem the cabbage leaves wrap around and fold over each other to form a dense head of layered leaves. Cabbages are heavy feeders and appreciate a fertile soil enriched with good compost or a balanced organic fertilizer.
You’re probably sitting there asking “what could possibly be so exciting about any summer squash?” Well, if you’ve limited your gardening to the typical zucchini and crookneck squash varieties, then there’s a lot that you may find interesting and exciting about some of the less common summer squashes.
The current issue of the Gardening Secrets Newsletter has been sent out to each gardener on my email list. If you haven’t signed up to receive this free gardening newsletter or didn’t receive your copy; go straight to the Gardening Secrets Subscription Page.
Okay, there’s really no vegetable called Mock Broccoli that you’ll find in any seed catalog or gardening book. I made the name up, but it perfectly describes the edible seed stalks that you can harvest right now from your raised bed of spring greens.
Providing some type of pea support or a trellis is a good idea when growing sugar snap peas borne on short to medium sized vines. And a strong support system is essential if you choose to grow the taller snow pea and green shell pea varieties.
Sunburst is a perfect name for this golden yellow colored pattypan squash variety. Sunburst squash is a hybrid variety that’s extremely easy to grow and can be sown directly into the garden after the soil has thoroughly warmed in late spring.
I recently planted Salsify, also known as Oyster Plant or Vegetable Oyster, in my garden and the seeds have already sprouted and began growing. Salsify is a rather uncommon root crop that is not often found growing in home gardens, but is actually a very care free vegetable to cultivate.
As I was driving around this weekend I couldn’t help but notice all of the Red Bud Trees in the area. They are in full bloom and these colorful trees are absolutely covered with pinkish purple blossoms. At times the flowers can even be seen growing in clusters on the trunks of the trees.
Gardening is a wonderful gift that I’ve developed the hard way… through trial and error! I hope to share the incredible lessons learned and make things a lot easier for you out in the organic vegetable garden.
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