Edible Weeds are sadly overlooked as a source of food, nutrition, and variety that can be a valuable addition to our daily diets.
After all, many of the edible plants that we call weeds are close relatives to the vegetables and herbs that are cultivated in our gardens. But these edible weeds grow on their own accord and are free for the picking.
Gardeners quickly become experts at identifying weeds in order to eliminate them before they grow out of control and take over the vegetable plot. So why not kill two birds by learning to identify weeds and also utilize the edible ones that inhabit your landscape.
Before you start here’s the warning: if you’re not positive about the identification of any weed or plant growing wild… Don’t Eat It! Even with a positive ID start slowly when introducing edible weeds to your diet to make sure that you can tolerate the new food.
Finally, don’t harvest or consume any edible weeds or wild plants growing along side a highway, from polluted environments, or in an area that may have been treated with any type of chemical spray. So to stay on the safe side just use the wild edibles growing in your own garden and landscape.
Some edible weeds such as the dandelion are well known and easily recognizable. Others such as chickweed, purslane, and plantain are common but not as familiar to many gardeners.
The best way to learn to identify edible weeds is to study with someone who is already familiar with them. You can also locate field guides that cover edible wild plants.
Wild edible plants are reported to contain higher levels of nutrients than their cultivated counterparts that we rely upon for food. While they are often stronger tasting and in some cases even bitter, there are also plenty of wild plants that are quite tasty.
Lambs Quarter for example is an edible weed that is absolutely delicious when steamed or cooked in a small amount of water. I prefer the edible weeds that can be prepared simply or just used raw in vegetable salads. The edible plant field guides will provide suggestions on various uses and preparations.
So whether you want to utilize nutritious edible weeds from the garden to supplement your meals, or uncover a readily available emergency food source, devote a little time to discovering and identifying the edible weeds that may be sprouting up all around you.