India Says No Thanks to Monsanto and Bt Brinjal
It looks like the powers that be in India have decided to turn a big thumbs down to permitting the commercial cultivation of genetically modified
It looks like the powers that be in India have decided to turn a big thumbs down to permitting the commercial cultivation of genetically modified
I just wanted to share some of the heirloom eggplants that I’m growing and harvesting from the vegetable garden this summer. Previous articles covered tips for growing eggplants and discussed the international roots of heirloom eggplant varieties.
As a follow up to the recent posts on Growing Eggplants and Controlling Flea Beetles on Eggplants, I wanted to share a few rare and unusual varieties of heirloom eggplants that are available to the home gardener. Do a little research and you’ll quickly discover that eggplants are well traveled and a very international vegetable. There are many exotic varieties hailing from remote regions of Turkey, Africa, Italy, Thailand, India, China, the Ukraine, and Louisiana.
Gardening is a wonderful gift that I’ve developed the hard way… through trial and error! I hope to share the incredible lessons learned and make things a lot easier for you out in the organic vegetable garden.
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