A Flurry of Gardening Events Precede Springtime
Our landscape is still white with a covering snowfall that seems to have been with us the entire winter, but there are a few gardening
Our landscape is still white with a covering snowfall that seems to have been with us the entire winter, but there are a few gardening
For Backyard Fruit Lovers Fall is an exciting time here in Central Pennsylvania with events such as the apple harvest, the Backyard Fruit Grower’s annual
Over the weekend the Pennsylvania Backyard Fruit Growers hosted their annual fruit tree grafting workshop at the Landis Valley Museum near Lancaster, PA. There was a
For gardeners in the Central Pennsylvania area this weekend is the date for the annual Herb & Garden Faire at the Landis Valley Village and
A couple of terrific agriculture/gardening events are scheduled for this week in the Central Pennsylvania Region. Both gatherings will offer plenty of information and dialogue that will be of interest to all backyard vegetable, fruit, and herb growers.
While the most common fruit at the tasting was the apple, there were a number of rare and unusual types of fruits available for sampling including; paw paws, cactus pears, ju jube fruits (aka Chinese dates), home grown nuts, hardy kiwis, and assorted varieties of persimmons. These fruits may sound foreign and exotic, but they were all grown and harvested from the landscapes and gardens of the association’s members, or in some cases picked from trees growing wild in the local countryside.
Strasburg PA isn’t known as a fruit growing hotbed, but over the weekend it was the perfect place for fruit aficionados as the Pennsylvania Backyard Fruit Growers held their annual fruit tasting at the White Oak Nursery just outside of Lancaster PA.
Gardening is a wonderful gift that I’ve developed the hard way… through trial and error! I hope to share the incredible lessons learned and make things a lot easier for you out in the organic vegetable garden.
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