The latest issue of the Gardening Secrets Newsletter brings some changes to the landscape as the newsletter is now being offered in a more user friendly HTML format. In spite of the fancy new look, you can still subscribe for FREE! If your email reader doesn’t do HTML don’t worry, a text version of the newsletter will continue to be made available.
The format change didn’t come without a few headaches and challenges, so if you are a subscriber who didn’t receive an issue during September check your spam filter or verify your subscription’s status by visiting the sign up page.
Your Feedback on the Revised Newsletter Format is Welcomed
Please let me know if you have any difficulty viewing the updated newsletter format, or if there is anything that I can do to make improvements. I plan to send the newsletter out on the 20th day of each month and this revised format should help me to meet that goal.
In September’s issue the featured topic explored the many advantages backyard gardeners can reap by including a few perennial vegetables and fruits in their gardens. There are also simple tips to help make raising these plants a breeze, along with a Top Ten Edible Perennials line-up that no garden should grow without.
Surprises Galore Waiting in the Backyard Vegetable Garden
George Washington Carver may have discovered hundreds of uses for the peanut, but even he may have been surprised by the way that some gardeners are utilizing ordinary sweet potato leaves. Lulu shares all the surprising details in the latest gardening secret to be exposed in the newsletter.
Less of secret and more of a shock is the best way to describe what Rebekah discovered when she opened her compost bin recently. A little bit of research turned her disturbing find from disgusting to delightful as she finally recognized the good composting fortune that she had stumbled upon! She explains the entire ordeal adds a link to an entertaining follow-up.
What’s Next for the Newsletter and Veggie Gardening Website
The current issue of the Gardening Secrets Newsletter ends with a peek at future plans for some fall gardening video and anticipated uses of Facebook and Twitter both here at Veggie Gardening Tips and with the newsletter.
So make sure your subscription to the Gardening Secrets Newsletter is active to stay informed of the latest organic gardening tips and ideas and all the upcoming happenings planned around these parts. And if you haven’t added your name to the list of over 15,000 satisfied readers, then it’s time to head on over to the sign up page and start your free subscription today.