I hear griping from many people that would love to grow their own fresh organic produce at home, but just don’t have a place to raise a vegetable garden. Well today’s video is a review of the EarthBox, a handy device that could be your best answer to the question of “how to grow a garden without a backyard!”
Earth Boxes are popular because they are specially designed to eliminate the guesswork and problems related to feeding and watering plants that are container grown. You can use the EarthBox to cultivate the same plants found growing in the typical backyard vegetable garden, and you can even use them to raise edible plants indoors.
Convenient Features and Advantages of Earth Boxes:
• Built in reservoir guards against over or under watering
• Mulching system eliminates the need for weeding
• Casters make it easy to move your garden or track the sun
• Optional trellis system supports all types of climbing veggies
• Simple enclosed instructions make its setup and use a snap
• Serves as a great self-watering planter for the deck or patio
I’m not going to compare the EarthBox to actually growing plants in the ground, but if you don’t have a backyard or space for growing a garden this is a great alternative for producing a limited quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables anywhere there is suitable light. Organic gardeners can easily substitute their favorite organic fertilizers.
Year-Round Production and Planting Guide for the EarthBox:
• Spring: Sow loose leaf lettuce and leafy green vegetables such as kale, mustard, arugula, and spinach. Fast growing cool weather crops like radishes, kohl rabi, baby turnips, and Swiss Chard can also be included in this rotation.
• Summer: When the early crops are finished it will be warm enough to transplant tomatoes, peppers, or even eggplants into your Earth Box. Other summer options include cucumbers, squash, melons, and a variety of edible flowers and herbs.
• Fall: As the days grow cooler and shorter plant another round of fast growing leafy greens including collards, kale, escarole, spinach, and oriental greens. If you time it just right you could even grow a fall crop of broccoli, turnips, cauliflower, or cabbages in your Earth Box.
• Winter: Rather than shut down the EarthBox for the winter, consider moving it inside to try your hand at growing a few indoor edibles such as herbs, pea shoots, sunflower greens, or mesclun lettuce mixes near a sunny window or under a grow light.
Get that organic garden started today with the incredible Earth Box available right here at the Veggie Gardening Tips storefront for your convenience and without risk as your satisfaction is guaranteed by the OpenSky Project.