For most of us gardening is a hobby that provides a source of relaxation, pleasure, and a little extra garden fresh produce to supplement what we can purchase from the local supermarket.
For others however, gardening is a serious enterprise that’s essential for survival and the primary means of earning income and putting food on the family’s table.
Usually I present gardening tips to help improve the growth of your backyard garden, but today I’d like to share an idea that could make a big difference to a gardener far outside of your community who raises a garden as more than just a hobby.
Living Generously is an organization providing opportunities for people to make a difference in the world by sharing their time, money, and resources to help others. Many of their projects involve agriculture and enabling individuals to become more self sufficient.
Current projects include activities promoting gardening in impoverished areas, beekeeping as a means of income production, raising drought hardy livestock, and development of inner city community gardens.
You can designate a gift of seeds and tools to help families grow food, supply a goat to produce milk and income to a family in Zambia, purchase a bicycle so that an experienced farmer can travel to neighboring villages and provide training in sustainable gardening practices, or select from many other important gifts.
To see the entire list of interesting projects and learn how you can help make a difference visit the Living Generously website and view their Agriculture gift category.